
Click the white triangle in the image above from 10:30 Sunday and you will be able to watch live Mass.  The feed will start at about 10:25.  If you are watching from a tablet or an ipad, you may be prompted to watch via the YouTube app.  You can watch directly from YouTube using this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdD7gqE4O66qlggIJKAn3DQ/live

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7th January Fifth

Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

Peter sees Jesus on the shore as they wash their nets having caught nothing and asks him to try again. They did so under some protest and caught a large number of fish. Peter recognises that he did not understand Jesus though he really believed he did. Have we ever been like that in our judgement of others, even family and friends?

Lent is only around the corner, on March 5th to be precise. There will be NO BAPTISMS during lent.

This week we attended the funeral of Terri Page who was a marvellous servant of the community especially as a cheerful welcomer of families with her good pal Mary Reynolds at Baptism Preparation. This took place at New Milton on Friday 7th. Please pray for her and David Barrows and our prayers for Joan.

We’re looking for volunteers to lead Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm on Fridays during Lent. If you would be willing to do this then please write your name on the sign-up sheet in the Church porch. Your help would be greatly appreciated,


We can all do with a lot of that!

God Bless you all,

Fr John

Please pray for all those who have died recently:

David Barrows, Tanya Bellizzi, Paul Harker, Irene Hole, Terri Page,

Ted Veillard

May they rest in peace.

Please pray for all those who are sick at this time:

Marie Bellizzi, Margaret Bishop, Neil Brackley, Millie Bridger, Josie Cash, Anthony Cheah, Pat Conroy, Ray Cookson, Cathy Cowan, Eddie Cummins, Sue Cummins, Mary Dixon, Maggie Duncan, Belen Dunlop, Desmond Fleming, Leo Gibson, Maureen Harker, Ian Harrison, Michele Haygreen, Mary Higton, Jim Hollis, Alan Jenkins, Ian Joseph, Mary Kearney, Shirley Livera, Anne MacKenzie, Georgia Mackinlay, Luz Martin, Didier McGaw,  Patricia McMahon, Joyce Monserrat, Jasmine Moorehead, Louise Moorehead, Maura Morris, Jason Oh, Adrei Penkov, Valeria Penkova, Joe Perkowski,  Aurora Ramirez, Zofia Reynolds, Jennifer Rolfe, Kathleen Sampson,

Moira Sced, Sherry Small, Ralph and Pauline Smith, Kathleen Twomey, Godelieve Vandersloten,

Jean Watkins, Deborah Wright

and all those named on the noticeboard in Our Lady’s Shrine.

Mass Intentions

Sat 8th Feb       6.00pm            Miriam McDonnell RIP (Anthony Beckley)

Sun 9th Feb      8.30am            Frieda Parker RIP (Martha Smith)

                        10.30am          Alvaro Poeira RIP (20th anniv.) (Madalena Moore)

                        5.30pm            All Parishioners

Mon 10th Feb  7.30pm            Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist

Tue 11th Feb    10.00am          Rosie DeSouza RIP (month’s mind) (Rodrigues and Pinto family)

Wed 12th Feb  10.00am          Barretto and Diar family

Thu 13th Feb   10.00am          Edmund Carr RIP (1st anniv.) (Mary Davies)

Fri 14th Feb     10.00am          Kathleen Twomey’s welfare (Family)

Sat 15th Feb     6.00pm            Zenobia Kaczorowska RIP (Teresa)

Sun 16th Feb    8.30am            For all who support those who are ill.

                        10.30am          Tanya Bellizi RIP (Edward and Margaret Sant)

                        5.30pm            All Parishioners

Retiring Collections

8th/9th Feb       Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund

1st/2nd March  PCF TW&C

Collections for Weekend 1st/2nd February

Offertory Collection                                      £468.72

Gift Aid Collection                                          £94.00

Standing Orders (Weekly Average)           £1192.00

Total                                                                  £1754.72

Thank you very much for your continued generosity.

PCF TWC                                                           £198.68

Exploring the Vocation to Teaching in our Diocesan Schools

Interested in hearing more about the vocation to teaching and what teaching in a Catholic school involves? Dave Legrand, Diocesan Secondary RE Advisor, will be running an online information event on Wednesday 12th February from 5.30-6pm. This event would be suitable for anyone considering a career change or simply interested in finding out more about the role of teachers in our Catholic schools for any age group or for any subject specialism. Please use this link: https://abdiocese.churchsuite.com/events/cldfy7xk

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, 25th-31st July (by air), 24th July-1st August (by coach/Jumbulance)

Applications for this summer's Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes (25th-31st July by air or own transport, 24th July-1st August by coach/jumbulance) are now open on the diocesan website: https://www.abdiocese.org.uk/lourdes/home

World Day of Prayer – Friday 7th March 12.30pm. St Peter’s Church, Frimley GU16 8JT

Open to all who wish to attend – I need three readers. This is our opportunity to meet the other five churches in our local area. Please attend if you can.

Next year (March 2026) it is Our Lady Queen of Heavens turn to host this celebration, so this is like a practice run for us. Please contact Mary Reynolds on 07754 933597 or email marykreynolds49@gmail.com

Sunflower Café

The newly launched Sunflower Café for individuals living with dementia and their carers meets in St Peters church Frimley GU16 8JT, on the last Friday of every month. The next meeting day is Friday 28th Feb. All are welcome for an opportunity to mix with others, have refreshments and do some activities.

The Diocese sends out a weekly E-Bulletin newsletter which includes Bishop Richard’s weekly reflection, and details of formation and events (including the ones featured on this page), taking place across the Diocese and our wider Catholic community. To sign up, please go to: mailchi.mp/7529e811ae63/joinourlist

Click to download the newsletter

Alton Day of Renewal Prayer Requests

We will pray for anyone feeling isolated, anxious, depressed, or physically ill. We will help you draw close to the love of Jesus, who said “come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. On weekdays 10.00am-4.00pm tel 07579 824523. Full details at www.altonrenewal.com/prayer_request


Confirmation Parent's Sessions
For Parents wishing to know more about the Confirmation classes, please read the document here.
To sign up, follow the Doodle link here.
Confirmation Evening of Reflection
Parents are required to complete a registration form which can be downloaded here

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To learn more about how to watch online, click here.

Make a donation online

Our parish relies on donations for all parish activities such as our community projects, maintaining our beautiful church building, and sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

Donations from our community make a huge difference to the life of our church. Donating online is quick and easy. It saves our parish time and money, and is a very safe and secure way to give.

Follow this link if you wish to donate now.

Please select your parish from the dropdown list and add Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.

Contact Information

Call 01276 504876, or email frimley@abdiocese.org.uk

The Church is located at 111 Portsmouth Road, Frimley, GU16 7AA.  It is on the opposite side of the A325 Portsmouth Road to Frimley Park Hospital.  When facing Frimley Park Hospital, the Church is behind you to the left.


SVP Camberley and Frimley is very active in the community

  • we give help to local families and individuals in need and the Hope Hub.
  • we purchase specific items of food, utilities, clothing and white goods that are needed.
  • we do not give money to clients

If you would like to volunteer to help please contact svpcamberleyandfrimley@outlook.com and /or to give a donation

SVP Camberley account no. 46082417 sort code 60-60-04

Click the image above to read the newsletter.

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Daily Liturgy


Sat Confessions   12:00  
Sun 8:30  
Mon 8:00
Tue 19:30
Wed 9:30
Thu 9:30
Fri 9:30

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