
Click the white triangle in the image above from 10:30 Sunday and you will be able to watch live Mass.  The feed will start at about 10:25.  If you are watching from a tablet or an ipad, you may be prompted to watch via the YouTube app.  You can watch directly from YouTube using this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdD7gqE4O66qlggIJKAn3DQ/live

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17th January
Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

            This week we begin what is referred to as ‘Ordinary Time. There is of course no such thing in reality. No day, no hour is ordinary. It may seem so if it’s uneventful but let us look at the Gospel. While the rest of the world went about its business, Jesus and his mother were invited to a wedding celebration. We know what happened. We look around us in the world and pray for peace, the people in hospital, those who mourn, the children who live without the necessities of life, the movement of people seeking a more secure future moving and risking their lives. The more comfort we have, the less we will open our eyes.

            I will be going to Ireland on Monday of this week please God and returning on January 30th. During the week there will be a Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion.

            The crib will be taken down on January 25th.

            Christmas Offerings: Again, I thank you for your generosity. I did say what I would donate it to. So here goes, £2,000 to Reaching the Unreached (in India), £1,000 to Emmaus (homeless in UK), and £1,000 to MSF. Thank you so much.

God Bless you all,

Fr John

Please pray for all those who have died recently:

Donal Reidy, Mike Robins, Veronica Rush, Ted Veillard, Irene Hole, Tanya Bellizzi

May they rest in peace.

Please pray for all those who are sick at this time:

Marie Bellizzi, Margaret Bishop, Neil Brackley, Millie Bridger, Josie Cash, Anthony Cheah, Pat Conroy, Ray Cookson, Cathy Cowan, Eddie Cummins, Sue Cummins, Mary Dixon, Maggie Duncan, Belen Dunlop, Desmond Fleming, Leo Gibson, Maureen and Paul Harker, Ian Harrison, Michele Haygreen, Mary Higton, Irene Hole, Jim Hollis, Alan Jenkins, Ian Joseph, Mary Kearney, Shirley Livera, Anne MacKenzie, Georgia Mackinlay, Luz Martin, Didier McGaw,  Patricia McMahon, Joyce Monserrat, Jasmine Moorehead, Louise Moorehead, Maura Morris, Jason Oh, Adrei Penkov, Valeria Penkova, Joe Perkowski,  Aurora Ramirez, Zofia Reynolds, Jennifer Rolfe, Kathleen Sampson,

Moira Sced, Sherry Small, Ralph and Pauline Smith, Kathleen Twomey, Godelieve Vandersloten,

Jean Watkins, Deborah Wright, Terri Page

and all those named on the noticeboard in Our Lady’s Shrine.

Mass Intentions

Sat 18th Jan      6.00pm           Martina, Martin, Hugh and Family (Saunders Family)

Sun 19th Jan    8.30am            Martha Loher RIP (Martha Smith)

                                                Tom Joe Keaveney RIP (Catherine Pearson)

                        10.30am          Kevin Cassidy RIP (Paul Moloney and family)

                        5.30pm            All Parishioners

Mon 20th Jan   7.30pm            Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist

Tue 21st Jan     10.00am          Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist

Wed 22nd Jan  10.00am          Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist

Thu 23rd Jan    10.00am          Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist

Fri 24th Jan      10.00am          Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist

Sat 25th Jan      6.00pm           Thanksgiving (Sinto)

Sun 26th Jan    8.30am            Gabriel Oh RIP (Anniv) (Oh Family)

                                                Breeda and Neal Worsford RIP (Frank Worsford)

                        10.30am          Amandio Poreira RIP (Anniv) (Madalena)

                        5.30pm            All Parishioners

Retiring Collections

18th/19th Jan   Zimba Orphan Fund

1st/2nd Feb       PCF Third World & Charities

8th/9th Feb       Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund

Collections for Weekend 11th/12th January

Offertory Collection                                      £539.53

Gift Aid Collection                                          £77.00

Standing Orders (Weekly Average)           £1192.00

Total                                                                  £1808.53

Help Needed: Children's Liturgy

Understanding the Mass can sometimes be challenging, especially for younger children. Fortunately, our Parish is blessed to offer a dedicated session during the 10.30am Mass for primary school children. These sessions provide an opportunity for the children to pray together and learn about the Gospel reading in a way that relates to their lives. The children often engage in practical activities, and you may have noticed them returning to the Church with drawings or colourings inspired by the Gospel. These sessions are highly valued by the Parish, as reflected in the number of children who participate each week.

However, these sessions are at risk due to a shortage of volunteers. We urgently need more helpers to ensure they can continue to run effectively. If your child benefits from these sessions, we encourage you to volunteer on a rota basis. To learn more or to get involved, please contact Linda at 07796 952880 or email Linda@Simon-Johnson.com. Your help can make a significant difference!

The Grandparents and Friends Group of our parish are next meeting after the 10am Liturgy on Wednesday 29th January in the parish room.

Reading Group at St Dunstan’s Church, Woking

Fr Robert Sprott, OFM will be leading a ten-week reading and discussion group on The Confessions of St Augustine beginning at 7.30pm on Wednesday 22nd January at St Dunstan's Church.

If you would like to join the group, please register by texting AUGUSTINE together with your name and email address to 07570 632 628.

Online Book Club: Explore Pope Francis’s thoughts and ideas and how they affect the 21st Century Catholic Church. Wednesday 29th January, 7pm – 8pm for introductory session. Then a further 3 sessions, once monthly. For more information, contact Kathy Bishop kjmmbishop@yahoo.co.uk or Sue Petritz nbcw@abdiocese.org.uk

Click to download the newsletter

Alton Day of Renewal Prayer Requests

We will pray for anyone feeling isolated, anxious, depressed, or physically ill. We will help you draw close to the love of Jesus, who said “come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. On weekdays 10.00am-4.00pm tel 07579 824523. Full details at www.altonrenewal.com/prayer_request


Bishop's Pastoral Letter

Click this link to view the Bishop's Pastoral Letter

Click the image below to visit our YouTube Channel

To learn more about how to watch online, click here.

Make a donation online

Our parish relies on donations for all parish activities such as our community projects, maintaining our beautiful church building, and sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

Donations from our community make a huge difference to the life of our church. Donating online is quick and easy. It saves our parish time and money, and is a very safe and secure way to give.

Follow this link if you wish to donate now.

Please select your parish from the dropdown list and add Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.

Contact Information

Call 01276 504876, or email frimley@abdiocese.org.uk

The Church is located at 111 Portsmouth Road, Frimley, GU16 7AA.  It is on the opposite side of the A325 Portsmouth Road to Frimley Park Hospital.  When facing Frimley Park Hospital, the Church is behind you to the left.


SVP Camberley and Frimley is very active in the community

  • we give help to local families and individuals in need and the Hope Hub.
  • we purchase specific items of food, utilities, clothing and white goods that are needed.
  • we do not give money to clients

If you would like to volunteer to help please contact svpcamberleyandfrimley@outlook.com and /or to give a donation

SVP Camberley account no. 46082417 sort code 60-60-04

Click the image above to read the newsletter.

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Daily Liturgy


Sat Confessions   12:00  
Sun 8:30  
Mon 8:00
Tue 19:30
Wed 9:30
Thu 9:30
Fri 9:30

Gift Aid

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