
Click the white triangle in the image above from 10:30 Sunday and you will be able to watch live Mass.  The feed will start at about 10:25.  If you are watching from a tablet or an ipad, you may be prompted to watch via the YouTube app.  You can watch directly from YouTube using this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdD7gqE4O66qlggIJKAn3DQ/live

If the Mass has not started you will see a note saying "Live Stream Offline".  Once Mass starts it will change to "Live"

31st August 2024

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

            Fr John is away until the end of September, enjoying a well-deserved break. We warmly welcome Fr Peter Andrews to celebrate Mass here this weekend. Our grateful thanks to him for doing this as it means that Fr John can have a holiday, and we can still have Mass here. There will be liturgies this Monday 9th to Friday 14th September. A big thank you to those who are leading and assisting at them.

 Alpha Course for OLQH and Camberley and Bagshot Parish

Alpha is the parish's primary course for inviting guests seeking to become Catholic Christians.  It is also part of the parish's sacramental programme for adults who are seeking Baptism and/or Confirmation and Reception into the Catholic Church at Easter 2025.

Online Alpha is Zoom based and meets weekly every Wednesday from 2nd October to 4th December (except during the school half-term on Wednesday 30th October). Each evening, we will gather at 7:30pm for a short social time, followed by an Alpha Film and discussion with the evening concluding at 9pm.  In addition, there will be a face-to-face Alpha Afternoon on Saturday 16th November from 2pm to 5pm.

To register, please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/2024CatholicAlpha or use the QR code:

For additional details or questions, please contact Deacon Simon Tierney by emailing simon.tierney@abdiocese.org.ukor phoning 07980 445301

Please pray for all those who have died recently:

Fr Jim Gallagher, Frank McHugh, Ena Small and Leo Superio

May they rest in peace.


Please pray for all those who are sick at this time:

Marie Bellizzi, Margaret Bishop, Veronica Brown, Josie Cash, Anthony Cheah, Cathy Cowan, Eddie Cummins, Sue Cummins, Mary Dixon, Tony Duhig, Maggie Duncan, Belen Dunlop, Annie Faghihi, Desmond Fleming, Leo Gibson, Maureen and Paul Harker, Ian Harrison, Michele Haygreen, Mary Higton, Irene Hole, Jim Hollis, Alan Jenkins,  Ian Joseph, Mary Kearney, Shirley Livera, Anne MacKenzie, Georgia Mackinlay, Luz Martin, Helen McLachlan, Patricia McMahon, Joyce Monserrat, Maura Morris, Adrei Penkov, Valeria Penkova, Aurora Ramirez, Donal Reidy, Jennifer Rolfe, Moira Sced, Sherry Small, Ralph and Pauline Smith, Godelieve Vandersloten, Jean Watkins, Deborah Wright

and all those named on the noticeboard in Our Lady’s Shrine.

Mass Intentions
Sat 7th Sep       6.00pm            Brendan Carr RIP (Davies & Carr families)
Sun 8th Sep      8.30am            Bernadita Azores RIP & Cesar Azores RIP (Jeanet Shepherd)
                        10.30am          Francis Saldanha (Audrey De Souza)
                        5.30pm            All Parishioners
Mon 9th Sep    7.30pm            Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist
Tue 10th Sep    10.00am         Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist
Wed 11th Sep  10.00am          Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist
Thu 12th Sep   10.00am          Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist    
Fri 13th Sep     10.00am          Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist
Sat 14th Sep     6.00pm            Manuel & Marcelina Barretto RIP (Anthony)
Sun 15th Sep    8.30am            Edward Hazelden RIP (Anniv.) (Tom Hazelden)
                        10.30am          Xaverian Missionaries
5.30pm            Sr. Mary Bernadette Lourdes Anwuluorah RIP (Bernadette & Bunny Okeke)
                        Filemon Hernandez RIP (Respicio)

Retiring Collections

14/15th Sep Xaverian Missionaries appeal

21st/22nd Sep St Vincent de Paul Society

Collections for Weekend 31st Aug/1st Sep 2024

Offertory Collection                                      £492.20

Gift Aid Collection                                          £42.00

Standing Orders (Weekly Average)           £1192.00

Total                                                                  £1726.20

PCF Third World & Charities               £389.97

Grandparents’ Formation Day

Wednesday 6th November 11am at the St Philip Howard Centre, Crawley. Come along for a day with Becky Sedgewick, author of the inspiring ‘Grandparenting for faith’ book. Refreshments from 10.15am. Please bring a packed lunch.

To book your place please search the following in your web browser:

Grandparents’ Formation Day (06-Nov-2024) – ChurchSuite Events

or book through the Diocesan website events calendar:


Food Donations to the Hope Hub

Thank you very much for your continued food donations to the Hope Hub.

They have given us some reusable material bags for putting food donations in. If you would like to give any food to the Hub please can you put it in a material bag before placing in the box they have provided. There is a white box by the church porch. Thank you.

Music Tuition

I have a limited number of spaces for individual piano and keyboard tuition. I am also running group online theory classes for beginner grade 1 (30 mins) and grades 2/3 and grades 4/5 (45 mins) on a Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Please message Lis for details on 07770 375719

Foreign currency and old UK coin/note collection for Mary’s Meals

Following the success of last year’s foreign currency and old UK coin/note collection for Mary’s Meals, we are once again holding a collection for them. We would like to invite you to collect all your old UK coins/notes and any foreign currency.  Please put this money using the envelopes provided in the church porch and then place in the box marked ‘Mary’s Meals.’ Please kindly note that the final date for donating is Sunday 29th September as the money will then be specially couriered to the charity. Mary’s Meals will turn the money donated into cash to feed hungry children in over 18 countries that it works in.  Mary’s Meals is a no-frills charity which feeds over 2.4 million young children one good meal every day in their place of education.

Click to download the newsletter

Alton Day of Renewal Prayer Requests

We will pray for anyone feeling isolated, anxious, depressed, or physically ill. We will help you draw close to the love of Jesus, who said “come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”. On weekdays 10.00am-4.00pm tel 07579 824523. Full details at www.altonrenewal.com/prayer_request


First Holy Communion Programme 2024-2025

We are now taking enrolment for our parish’s First Holy Communion programme for the academic year 2024-2025.

We invite all parents who would like their children to make their First Holy Communion here to please complete both the enrolment form and video conferencing consent form (click on each) and email them to frimley@abdiocese.org.uk

Please note that your child must be in Year 3 or above in the academic year 2024-2025 and be parishioners at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church, Frimley to enrol on the First Holy Communion programme for 2024-2025.

The final date for enrolling is Wednesday 31st July 2024

Dates for the Communion programme will be advised in due course.

Click the image below to visit our YouTube Channel

To learn more about how to watch online, click here.

Make a donation online

Our parish relies on donations for all parish activities such as our community projects, maintaining our beautiful church building, and sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

Donations from our community make a huge difference to the life of our church. Donating online is quick and easy. It saves our parish time and money, and is a very safe and secure way to give.

Follow this link if you wish to donate now.

Please select your parish from the dropdown list and add Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.

Contact Information

Call 01276 504876, or email frimley@abdiocese.org.uk

The Church is located at 111 Portsmouth Road, Frimley, GU16 7AA.  It is on the opposite side of the A325 Portsmouth Road to Frimley Park Hospital.  When facing Frimley Park Hospital, the Church is behind you to the left.


SVP Camberley and Frimley is very active in the community

  • we give help to local families and individuals in need and the Hope Hub.
  • we purchase specific items of food, utilities, clothing and white goods that are needed.
  • we do not give money to clients

If you would like to volunteer to help please contact svpcamberleyandfrimley@outlook.com and /or to give a donation

SVP Camberley account no. 46082417 sort code 60-60-04

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Sat Confessions   12:00  
Sun 8:30  
Mon 8:00
Tue 19:30
Wed 9:30
Thu 9:30
Fri 9:30

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