St Vincent de Paul


SVP Camberley & Frimley

Who Are We

SVP Camberley and Frimley is the local branch of the national charity, St Vincent de Paul Society. It is an Ecumenical organisation that is committed to helping combat poverty and tackle isolation in practical ways at a local level, giving those in need in our society a chance at living a happier life.

We offer friendship, practical help and support to EVERYONE, irrespective of faith, ethnicity, status or sexual orientation.  We have strict safeguarding policies and procedures, all our members hold DBS certification.

We aim to show a compassion that is non-judgmental towards those with whom we work.

What We Do

Our volunteer members work in varied ways to give people a sense of belonging.

As well as offering friendship, a listening service and support, our members can under qualifying circumstances or with appropriate referrals, give practical help such as food parcels, clothes, furniture, white goods (eg cookers)  or help with utility bills.

The group works with different agencies such as the Job Centre, housing association, health visitors and parishes receiving referrals and we can signpost people with long-term problems to other agencies able to help them.

We work with the local prison, HMP Coldingley, assisting with books, games and dvd’s.

We also run a bereavement group supporting people as they deal with the loss of a loved one


We fully respect the confidentiality of those we help.

Get Involved

Give your time and skills, We meet (zoom ) twice a month on a Tuesday evening for about an hour. We are a small friendly group always happy to have new members join us.

A volunteer will only work within their comfort zone and spare time available to communicate with those in need, deliver food parcels or visit the lonely,

Donate : 

Saint Vincent De Paul        sort code:   60-60-04              Account Number: 46082417

SVP envelopes in porch, post through collection box/presbytery, place in weekly collection

Contact (Require Help,  wish to Volunteer, general query)

Email :               Tel :      07942 313636