Mass Times and Intentions
Public Mass Guidelines
- Regarding masks or face coverings, it is great that you have all taken to heart the safety of others. Keep up the good work. They were mandated from last Saturday 8th
- Thanks to Simon Johnson and partners, we are on the website with Mass again. Pass on the word please.
- Let’s NOT stop praying for the sick and all who are carers and workers in the health system.
- It was really good to see many come to Mass at the weekend and during the week. Please remember the operative words for all are SAFETY and GOOD HEALTH.
- Holy Communion will continue to be distributed AFTER the FINAL BLESSING at weekend Masses.
- When you enter the church please follow the ONE-WAY SIGNS. NO DOUBLING BACK – please follow the directions of the Stewards.
- If you can help in any way, even once a week, please take a blue sheet with you and contact Helen.
- Massive thanks to ALL Mass Stewards, as their task involves cleaning the benches AFTER EACH
- GIFT AID ENVELOPES at the entrance if you are already signed up. For some, maybe you would like to set up a ‘STANDING ORDER.’ If so, email Tony Duhig at giftaid@olqh.com who will guide you.
- For collections, baskets at the ENTRANCE and EXIT of church and hall if needed. Thanks a million for your co-operation.
- Regarding supporting the church, you do it in so many ways. I have been asked twice by people who would like more guidance. My answer is as always “GIVE IF YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CAN AFFORD IT.” These are not ordinary times.
- There will be no retiring collections for other causes at present.
- Regarding disposable gloves. These ARE NOT an alternative to clean hands. So, washing hands and using sanitiser regularly is much better infection control. Please remember to use the sanitiser provided on entering the church and on leaving.