Children’s Liturgies take place in our Church Hall during the 10:30am Sunday Masses in term time. All children who are of primary school age are welcome to attend and sometimes we have older children who ask to help out too. They pray, listen to the Gospel, talk, draw, act, sing or put together a poster to deepen their understanding of the Gospel message.
In this way, the Children’s Liturgy Group aims to:
- Share the Gospel with the children, providing them with a Liturgy of the Word suited to their age and general state of development.
- Encourage enthusiasm for the enjoyment of the Liturgy and thus to foster faith.
- Provide a supportive community for young families, enabling parents and children to get to know each other.
In addition to this, special children’s Masses take place during the year. This includes for the Harvest Festival and at Christmas. There is also a children’s Station of the Cross at 10:30am on Good Friday. We need at least four volunteers every week and leaders to run the group. We encourage any parents whose children attend the Liturgy to help out by volunteering for a short stint on the rota. We also offer ourselves as a volunteering service for those doing the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE).